Bacharach Network Card FT 10 User Manual

Revision 0  
Installation Guide  
Bacharach HGM300 to LonWorks FT-10  
Communications Adapter  
The Bacharach HGM300 to LonWorks Communications Adapter enables an HGM300  
Refrigerant Monitor to communicate with a LonWorks FT-10 Free Topology network.  
Zone PPM readings, flow status, refrigerant selections, and HGM internal health may be  
viewed over LonWorks. Each HGM zone supports three levels of alarming (Leak, Spill,  
Evacuate) and each alarm threshold can be set over LonWorks.  
The LonWorks Communications Adapter can be used in conjunction with the RDM800  
remote display if desired. Wiring details and operation limitations when using the  
RDM800 will be discussed later in this document.  
The adapter is powered from the 120V Auxiliary Power connection on the HGM power  
supply board. When the HGM is powered up, 120V is present on the lower left corner of  
the adapter within the area shown on the board silkscreen. Keep fingers away from this  
area when the HGM is powered!!  
Adapter Installation Inside HGM300  
The communications adapter board will normally be installed in the HGM300 at the  
factory. It can, however, be field installed by following the instructions below.  
The following installation materials are needed for field installation of the adapter:  
(5) 6-32 x ¼” screws (standard finish)  
(5) 6-32 x ½” threaded standoffs  
(5) 6-32 x ¼” decorative black anodized screws (standard finish OK, black looks nicer)  
The adapter board mounts on the rear of the HGM300 door. Position the adapter board  
so as not to interfere with the HGM internal components when the door is shut. Mark  
(Figure 1) and drill the board’s four corner holes and center hole in the door. Install the  
five standoffs on the rear side of the door using the five black decorative screws on the  
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If an RDM800 remote display IS to be used with the adapter, refer to Figure 3 for wiring  
details. Note that when the RDM800 is used, TWO RS-485 cables must be run between  
the HGM300 and RDM800, so plan accordingly.  
In either case, be sure to set the HGM300’s internal “Terminator” slide switch next to the  
RS-485 terminal block to the “In” position.  
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Setting HGM Communication Address On Adapter  
See Figure 4 for the location of adapter dipswitch ‘A’.  
Switches 5-8 on the adapter’s ‘A’ dipswitch are used to match the node address set on the  
HGM’s address dipswitch (on HGM main board). Values from 0-15 are possible:  
HGM address  
Since the HGM is the only node on the adapter-to-HGM interface, address 1 is normally  
used. Be sure to set the same address on the adapter and the HGM main board  
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Configuring the HGM300 with RDM800 or Laptop PC  
The only HGM parameters that are changeable through LonWorks are the alarm  
thresholds. Configuring the HGM for refrigerant type and length of tubing for each zone  
(zero length to disable a zone) must be done with the RDM800 remote display or a laptop  
PC. Refer to the appropriate Bacharach instructions for configuring these items. HGMs  
are commonly custom-configured at the factory per the customer’s needs, so field  
configuring these parameters may not be necessary.  
If configuring the HGM with an RDM800, the communications adapter’s presence will  
not affect the standard configuration procedure. If configuring with a laptop PC,  
temporarily disconnect the HGM300’s RS-485 cable from the adapter until configuration  
is complete and the laptop is disconnected.  
External Interface (XIF) and User Resource Files  
Each adapter comes with a disk containing an External Interface (XIF) and User  
Resource files. The files contain documentation about the network variables contained in  
the adapter and how they are used. Most network management software will accept XIF  
files. Echelon LonMaker (and possibly others) will accept User Resource files. A subset  
of the information in these files is permanently stored in the adapter itself and may be  
queried over the network once the network management software is aware of the node’s  
Identifying the HGM300-LonWorks Adapter on the Network  
The adapter can be identified on the network in three ways:  
1. If the network management software supports identification by Service Pin, the  
adapter’s Service pushbutton (directly above the FT-10 twisted pair terminal block)  
can be pushed when the network management software requests it. This causes a  
“here I am” message to be broadcast which should be received by the network  
2. The adapter’s Neuron chip ID number can be entered manually into the network  
control PC or handheld tool when requested by the network management software.  
The Neuron chip ID number is written on the piggyback LonWorks control module in  
the format XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX.  
3. If the network management software is capable of finding unconfigured nodes  
automatically, the Wink command can be sent to the ID of each unconfigured node.  
Then the nodes can be physically checked to see which node corresponds to which  
address. When the adapter receives a LonWorks Wink command, it flashes its 1, 2, 5,  
and 6 Status LEDs in unison for approximately 15 seconds.  
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HGM Alarm Acknowledge Options  
Two alarm acknowledge options are supported—Auto Acknowledge and Network  
In the Auto Acknowledge mode, the HGM will clear its alarm outputs the next time the  
alarmed zone is sampled and its PPM has dropped below the alarm thresholds. No  
intervention from the LonWorks network is necessary.  
In the Network Acknowledge mode, the HGM will never clear its alarm outputs until  
LonWorks has acknowledged the alarms using network variables nviHgmAlmAck or  
nviHgmAlmAckSw (discussed below). Once LonWorks has acknowledged the alarms,  
the HGM will clear its alarm outputs the next time the alarmed zone is sampled and its  
PPM has dropped below the alarm thresholds.  
Dipswitch A1 on the adapter selects which alarm acknowledge option is used:  
A1 On = Auto Acknowledge  
A1 Off = Network Acknowledge  
If dipswitch A1 is changed while the adapter is powered up, the adapter must be reset by  
pressing the CPU RST button below dipswitch A before the change will take effect.  
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LonWorks Objects and Network Variables  
The adapter contains one Node Object, sixteen Zone Objects, one General Status Object,  
and one Alarm Control Object. There is one Zone Object for each refrigerant sampling  
Object 0 – The Node Object  
Network input variable nviRequest allows the user to request information from  
different objects in the node. The nviRequest contains an object ID field that specifies  
which object receives the request. The following request types are supported:  
1. RQ_NORMAL (value 0) – This request is accepted by any of the objects for  
compatibility with LonMark requirements, but the request does not cause any  
change in the objects whatsoever. It does cause the status of the specified object  
to be reported through nvoStatus (works identically to RQ_UPDATE_STATUS).  
2. RQ_UPDATE_STATUS (value 2) – Requests the status of the object specified in the  
object ID field. If sent to the Object Node (Node 0), the status response contains the  
status bits of all the node objects logically ORed together. The status response is  
returned through nvoStatus.  
3. RQ_REPORT_MASK (value 5) – Requests the object to report which status bits it  
supports. All objects support the same status bits, thus the report mask returns  
the same value no matter which object is requested. These are the status bits  
mechanical_fault (for no flow or excessive HGM internal temperatures)  
electrical_fault (for HGM internal electrical faults)  
unable_to_measure (any time can’t get HGM data for whatever reason)  
comm_failure (HGM-to-adapter failure or adapter internal failure)  
in_alarm (when sampled PPM exceeds an alarm threshold on any zone)  
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Network output variable nvoStatus returns the information requested by nviRequest.  
The status response will indicate the status of the object that received the request. The  
status bits supported are listed above under RQ_REPORT_MASK.  
One nvoStatus response will be returned for each nviRequest. The configuration  
variable nciMaxStsSendT can also be used to automatically send out status updates  
periodically. If nciMaxStsSendT is set to a nonzero time value, the node sends out a  
status update on each expiration of that amount of time. It rotates through the objects on  
the node in round-robin fashion when timed updates are sent in this manner. Any zone  
which is disabled or not installed will have its zone object skipped in this automatic  
round-robin reporting.  
Setting nciMaxStsSendT to a very small value will cause unnecessary traffic on the  
LonWorks network. A value of less than 500 milliseconds will, in fact, be ignored. A  
suggested value for nciMaxStsSendT might be in the range of 10-60 seconds. If timed  
automatic status updates are not desired, set nciMaxStsSendT to zero. Then status  
updates will only be sent in response to nviRequest updates.  
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Objects 1-16 – Zone Objects  
There is one Zone Object for each sampling zone in the HGM300 (16 total):  
Network output variable nvoHgmZonePPM shows the measured gas concentration for  
a particular zone. The value will range from 0-65535 PPM.  
Network output variable nvoHgmZoneStatus is a text string that displays information  
about the zone status and the refrigerant type being sensed.  
Possible Zone Status values:  
No alarms, no faults, HGM in normal operating mode.  
Leak alarm active for this zone.  
Spill alarm active for this zone.  
Evacuate alarm active for this zone.  
Acknowledged Leak alarm active for this zone.  
Acknowledged Spill alarm active for this zone.  
Acknowledged Evacuate alarm active for this zone.  
This zone has a flow fault (other zones not affected).  
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Some critical fault prevents normal zone PPM measurement.  
(View nvoHgmFaults for details on fault type)  
Occurs with RDM800 installed when certain screens are displayed.  
Comm failure between HGM and adapter.  
Comm failure between adapter internal processors.  
HGM must go thru warmup cycle after powerup before measuring.  
This zone has tubing length set = 0 (disabled).  
This zone does not have hardware installed in HGM.  
Startup delay after powerup before data available.  
Possible Refrigerant Type values:  
R11, R12, R22, R23, R113, R114, R123, R124, R134A, R401A, R402A, R402B,  
R404A, R407A, R407C, R409A, R410A, R500, R502, R503, R507, R508B, H1301,  
NEW1, NEW2, NEW3  
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Object 17 – General Status Object  
The General Status Object provides information about any HGM300 internal faults  
present and shows which zone is currently being sampled:  
Network output variable nvoHgmFaultAlert reports whenever ANY fault is detected  
within the HGM or adapter. It is of type SNVT_switch. It is useful for binding to a Fault  
lamp on a remote annunciation panel using a network input variable of type  
SNVT_switch. When there is no fault, nvoFaultAlert will have value=0, state=0. When  
there is a fault, nvoFaultAlert will have value=200, state=1. Depending on the network  
presentation software, full-scale “value” may display as “200” or “100.0”.  
Network output variable nvoHgmFaults (bit field structure) reports various faults  
within the HGM300 or the LonWorks adapter. It contains 14 faults (1-bit fields) that  
may be reported (0 = No Fault, 1 = Fault):  
Clipping fault (internal HGM measurement fault)(bit 15)(most significant bit)  
Zero Fault (internal HGM measurement fault)(bit 14)  
No Flow Fault (no flow on any zone)(bit 13)  
Purge Flow Fault (no flow during purge cycle)(bit 12)  
Zone Flow Fault (no flow on a particular zone)(bit 11)  
Trigger Fault (internal HGM measurement fault)(bit 10)  
No Zones Fault (no zones enabled in HGM)(bit 9)  
mA Loop Fault (mA loop output [option] is open circuited)(bit 8)  
Pressure Fault (HGM bench pressure abnormal)(bit 7)  
Bench Temp Fault (HGM bench temp abnormal)(bit 6)  
Box Temp Fault (HGM box temp abnormal)(bit 5)  
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HGM Busy (if RDM800 attached and showing certain screens)(bit 4)  
Comm Fault 1 (communications failed between HGM and adapter)(bit 3)  
Comm Fault 2 (internal communications failed within adapter)(bit 2)  
Unused (bit 1)  
Unused (bit 0)(least significant bit)  
Network output variable nvoZoneSampling shows which zone is currently being  
sampled by the HGM. It is a number 1-16. Note that if fewer than 16 zones are installed,  
nvoZoneSampling will never go larger than the largest zone installed. Also if a zone is  
disabled (by setting its tubing length to zero), that zone number will be skipped by  
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Object 18 – Alarm Control Object  
The Alarm Control Object provides information about any alarms which are present in  
the HGM. It also provides mechanisms for acknowledging alarms, and for viewing and  
setting the Leak, Spill, and Evacuate alarm thresholds for each zone:  
Network input variable nviHgmAlarmAck has a single parameter (unsigned short)  
which specifies which zone alarm the operator wishes to acknowledge. A value of 1-16  
acknowledges the alarm for a single specified zone. A value of 0 is a global  
acknowledge for all zones in alarm.  
Network input variable nviHgmAlmAckSw is a global alarm acknowledge of standard  
type SNVT_switch. It is useful for binding to an Acknowledge pushbutton on a remote  
alarm annunciation panel using a network output variable of type SNVT_switch. To  
acknowledge alarms, set nviHgmAlmAckSw to value=200, state=1. Depending on the  
presentation software, full-scale “value” may be “200” or “100.0”.  
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Network input variable nviSetZoneThresh allows Leak, Spill, and Evacuate alarm  
thresholds (in PPM) to be set for each monitoring zone. nviSetZoneThresh has four  
parameters to be set by the user:  
Zone Specifier:  
a number 1-16 specifies which zone is having its thresholds changed  
Leak Alarm Threshold:  
a number 0–65535 PPM  
Spill Alarm Threshold:  
a number 0-65535 PPM (larger than Leak Threshold)  
Evacuate Alarm Threshold:  
a number 0-65535 PPM (larger than Spill Threshold)  
Network input variable nviGetZoneThresh accepts a single number 1-16 to specify  
which zone’s alarm thresholds should be displayed on network output variable  
Network output variable nvoHgmAlarmAlert reports whenever ANY gas  
concentration alarm (Leak, Spill, or Evacuate) is generated by the HGM. It is of type  
SNVT_switch. It is useful for binding to an Alarm lamp on a remote annunciation panel  
using a network input variable of type SNVT_switch. When there are no alarms,  
nvoAlarmAlert will have value=0, state=0. When there is any alarm, nvoAlarmAlert will  
have value=200, state=1. Depending on presentation software, the full-scale “value” may  
show as either “200” or “100.0”.  
Network output variable nvoHgmLeakAlert reports whenever any Leak alarm is  
generated by the HGM. It is of type SNVT_switch. It is useful for binding to a Leak  
Alarm lamp on a remote annunciation panel using a network input variable of type  
SNVT_switch. When there are no Leak alarms, nvoLeakAlert will have value=0, state=0.  
When there are any Leak alarms, nvoLeakAlert will have value=200, state=1.  
Network output variable nvoHgmSpillAlert reports whenever any Spill alarm is  
generated by the HGM. It is of type SNVT_switch. It is useful for binding to a Spill  
Alarm lamp on a remote annunciation panel using a network input variable of type  
SNVT_switch. When there are no Spill alarms, nvoSpillAlert will have value=0, state=0.  
When there are any Spill alarms, nvoSpillAlert will have value=200, state=1.  
Network output variable nvoHgmEvacAlert reports whenever any Evacuate alarm is  
generated by the HGM. It is of type SNVT_switch. It is useful for binding to an  
Evacuate Alarm lamp on a remote annunciation panel using a network input variable of  
type SNVT_switch. When there are no Evacuate alarms, nvoEvacAlert will have  
value=0, state=0. When there are any Evacuate alarms, nvoEvacAlert will have  
value=200, state=1.  
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Network output variable nvoHgmZoneThresh displays the following information for  
the zone specified by nviGetZoneThresh:  
1. Zone (1-16) whose alarm thresholds are being displayed  
2. Leak Alarm Threshold in PPM (0-65535)  
3. Spill Alarm Threshold in PPM (0-65535)  
4. Evacuate Alarm Threshold in PPM (0-65535)  
To change the Leak, Spill, or Evacuate alarm thresholds for a zone, use the  
nviSetZoneThresh input network variable as described earlier.  
Operating Limitations When Using RDM800 Remote Display  
When an RDM800 remote display is used, LonWorks will have access to the HGM300 as  
long as the RDM800 is in either the SYSTEM or ZONE VIEW screen. If the RDM800 is  
set to display any other screen, it will respond to polls from the LonWorks adapter with  
an HGM BUSY exception code. The LonWorks adapter will handle the exception by  
setting all the zone statuses = HGM BUSY. When the RDM800 is returned to the  
SYSTEM or ZONE VIEW screen, normal LonWorks monitoring will resume.  
If the operator leaves the RDM800 in some screen other than SYSTEM or ZONE VIEW  
for an extended period of time (10 minutes default), the RDM800 times out and  
automatically returns to either the SYSTEM or ZONE VIEW screen. This will restore  
normal LonWorks monitoring.  
Communications LED Indicators  
See Figure 4 for the locations of the communications LED indicators.  
The communications adapter board has four LED communications status indicators  
numbered 1-4. The meanings of these indicators are as follows:  
LED 1 ON: Adapter is transmitting a poll/command to the HGM300  
LED 2 ON: Adapter is receiving a response from the HGM300  
LED 5 ON: Adapter internal communications (response from RCM CPU  
to Neuron CPU)  
LED 6 ON; Adapter internal communications (poll/command from Neuron CPU  
to RCM CPU)  
Under normal conditions, LEDs 5 and 6 will show a burst of alternating blinks about  
every 8 seconds. This indicates that the two processors internal to the LonWorks adapter  
are communicating with each other normally. Occasionally LEDs 5 and 6 will blink  
more frequently if commands (to change alarm thresholds, for example) are coming in  
from the LonWorks network.  
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LED 1 and LED 2 will normally show activity about every 15 seconds. Since the  
refrigerant monitoring process is fairly slow and new data is only available every 15  
seconds or so, the adapter polls the HGM at a slow rate to reduce the communications  
burden on the HGM main processor. Again, commands coming in from LonWorks  
might occasionally cause LEDs 1 and 2 to blink more frequently.  
Operating Notes  
Before changing alarm thresholds through nviSetZoneThresh, go ahead and set  
nviGetZoneThresh to the zone you are about to modify. Then nvoHgmZoneThresh will  
update automatically with the current thresholds for that zone every time new information  
is available from the HGM300.  
Please note that it could take as much as 30-40 seconds before the changes made through  
nviSetZoneThresh can be seen on nvoHgmZoneThresh. The adapter must get the  
changes from LonWorks and pass the new thresholds down to the HGM. The HGM then  
takes a certain amount of time to process the changes and store them in its nonvolatile  
memory. Then, since the HGM is not polled continuously, a certain amount of time is  
needed to pick up the new threshold settings and pass them back up to LonWorks. Please  
be patient waiting for changed alarm thresholds to show up in nvoHgmZoneThresh.  
Fortunately changing alarm thresholds is done infrequently after initial installation and  
If the adapter is moved to a new LonWorks network where the old addressing  
information would be invalid, the adapter can be set back to its initial Unconfigured state.  
This is accomplished by holding the Service button down, powering up the adapter, and  
continuing to hold the Service button down for 10 seconds. When the Service button is  
released, the Service LED will flash, showing that the LonWorks portion of the adapter is  
now Unconfigured. This is the desired state for installing the adapter on a new  
LonWorks network.  
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