Agilent Technologies Noise Reduction Machine E5500 B series User Manual

Phase Noise Measuring Systems  
Phase Noise Measurement Solutions 341  
E5500 Series  
• 50 kHz to 26.5 GHz with expand carrier frequencies to 110 GHz  
• Quick and easy integration into your ATE system  
• Ability to test a wide range of devices  
• Measure AM noise directly  
E5500 A-Series  
E5500 Series Phase Noise Measurement Solutions  
E5500 B-Series  
E5501A: 50 kHz to 1.6 GHz  
E5503A: 50 kHz to 18.0 GHz  
E5504A: 50 kHz to 26.5 GHz  
E5501B: 50 kHz to 1.6 GHz  
E5502B: 50 kHz to 6.0 GHz  
E5503B: 50 kHz to 18.0 GHz  
E5504B: 50 kHz to 26.5 GHz  
The new Agilent E5500 A-series phase noise measurement solutions  
have been designed to minimize production ATE test times for one-  
port VCOs, DROs, crystal oscillators, and synthesizers and to maxi-  
mize the capability for R&D benchtop applications. In addition, with  
a standard offset range capability from 0.01 Hz to 100 MHz, the  
E5500 B-series provides the capability, flexibility, and versatility to  
meet changing and demanding needs placed upon the R&D engineer.  
By building upon 30 years of Agilent low phase noise, RF design and  
measurement experience, the E5500 series solutions continue to  
provide excellent measurement integrity, repeatability, and accuracy.  
The E5500 phase noise measurement solutions use the power  
of a flexible software program to automate phase noise carrier mea-  
surements. The E5500 A-series solutions include the 70420A phase  
noise test set, which contains phase detectors and phase-lock loop  
circuitry, a high speed VXI digitizer with mainframe and high speed  
VXI-to-PC interface for base-band signal analysis, selected low-noise  
frequency downconverters, and measurement software. When com-  
bined with a PC running Windows NT 4.0, this series provides fast  
phase noise measurements of carrier frequencies from 50 kHz to 1.6  
GHz, 6.0 GHz, 18 GHz, or 26.5 GHz over offset-from-carrier frequen-  
cies of 0.01 Hz to 4 MHz.1 The E5500 B-series includes the 70420A  
phase noise test set, a Pentium PC running Windows NT 4.0, a PC dig-  
itizer, and an RF spectrum analyzer, selected low-noise frequency  
downconverters, and measurement software. This series of solutions  
provides phase noise measurements of carrier frequencies from 50  
kHz to 1.6 GHz, 6.0 GHz, 18 GHz, or 26.5 GHz over offset-from-carrier  
frequencies from 0.01 Hz to 100 MHz. A variety of signal generators—  
such as the 8662A, 8663A, 8643A, 8644B, 8664A/B, 8665A—can also be  
added to provide a low-noise reference signal.  
Operating Characteristics  
Offset Frequency Range  
A Models: 0.01 Hz to 4 MHz  
B Models: 0.01 Hz to 100 MHz  
System Noise Response2: –180 dBc/Hz typically (>10 kHz offsets)  
System Spurious Response2: –120 dBc typically  
Phase Detector Input Power: (<1.6 GHz carrier frequency)  
R input = 0 to +23 dBm  
L input = +15 to +23 dBm  
Downconverter Input Range: 1 GHz to 6 GHz;  
1 GHz to 18 GHz; 1.5 GHz to 26.5 GHz  
External Noise Input Port: 0.1 Hz to 100 MHz  
Measurement Accuracy: 2 dB (<1.0 MHz offsets);  
4 dB (<100 MHz offsets)  
E5500 A-Series Optional Capabilities  
Extend offset range to 8, 10, and 100 MHz  
Add RF reference source  
Add high power input capability (includes µW phase and  
AM detectors)  
Extend carrier frequency to 110 GHz  
E5500 B-Series Optional Capabilities  
Add RF reference source  
Add high power input capability (includes µW phase and  
AM detectors)  
Add remote SCPI programming client  
Extend carrier frequency to 110 GHz  
Phase Noise Measurement Software  
A graphical user interface provides measurement menus allowing  
the operator to specify the measurement process, including the cali-  
bration of the system. Several output formats are available to the  
user, including plots of the single-sideband phase noise power of the  
signal, integrated noise power, or the calculated Allan variance. A  
real-time measure-ment mode is available to monitor the level of  
phase noise and discrete spurs as changes are made to the device-  
under-test. The E5500 series phase noise measurement software  
requires a Pentium PC with 32 MBytes of RAM, a 1 GByte hard drive,  
and Windows NT 4.0.  
2 Without reference sources or downconverters  
Key Literature  
E5500 Series Phase Noise Measurement Solutions,  
Product Overview, p/n 5965-7590E  
E5500 Series Phase Noise Measurement Solutions  
Configuration Guide, p/n 5965-7589E  
Ordering Information  
E5500A Series  
E5500B Series  
1 It can be extended to cover offset ranges up to 100 MHZ.  
See configuration guide for detailed ordering information.  
Product & Order Info See page 604  

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