3Com Switch S200 Series User Manual

3Com Corporation  
PathBuilderS200 Series Switch  
IP and LAN Features Manual  
©1998 3Com Corporation  
5400 Bayfront Plaza  
Santa Clara, CA 95052-8145  
(408) 326-5000  
All rights reserved.  
Printed in U.S.A.  
Portions reprinted with the permission of Motorola, Inc.  
Restricted Rights Notification for U.S. Government Users  
The software (including firmware) addressed in this manual is provided to the U.S.  
Government under agreement which grants the government the minimum “restricted rights”  
in the software, as defined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) or the Defense  
Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), whichever is applicable.  
If the software is procured for use by the Department of Defense, the following legend  
Restricted Rights Legend  
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government  
is subject to restrictions as set forth in  
subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the  
Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software  
clause at DFARS 252.227-7013.  
If the software is procured for use by any U.S. Government entity other than the Department  
of Defense, the following notice applies:  
Notwithstanding any other lease or license agreement that may pertain to,  
or accompany the delivery of, this computer software, the rights of the  
Government regarding its use, reproduction, and disclosure are as set forth  
in FAR 52.227-19(C).  
Unpublished - rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.  
Notice (continued)  
Proprietary Material  
Information and software in this document are proprietary to 3Com (or its Suppliers) and  
without the express prior permission of an officer of 3Com, may not be copied, reproduced,  
disclosed to others, published, or used, in whole or in part, for any purpose other than that for  
which it is being made available. Use of software described in this document is subject to the  
terms and conditions of the 3Com Software License Agreement.  
This document is for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice.  
Part No. T0100, Rev A  
First Printing: October 1998  
Manual is current for Release 5.2M.  
About The IP and LAN Feature Protocols Manual  
The IP and LAN Feature Protocols Manual contains user manuals that describe the  
options and protocols found in 3Com’s Operating Network Software (ONS) License  
for IP and LAN.  
This binder is intended for users of PathBuilder S200 series switches who are  
authorized to use the IP or LAN software licenses.  
Software Revision This manual is current for Release 5.2M of the 3Com ONS, IP and LAN software  
Special Notices  
These special notices emphasize important information in each of the option and  
protocol user manuals. Each serves a special purpose and appears in the format  
Note emphasizes any significant procedural information.  
Caution provides you with information that, if not followed, can result in damage to  
software, hardware, or data.  
Mise en Garde  
Une mise en garde vous fournit des informations qui, si elles ne sont pas observées,  
peuvent se traduire par des dommages pour le logiciel, le matériel ou les données.  
Ein Vorsichtshinweis macht Sie darauf aufmerksam, daß Nichtbefolgung zu  
Software-, Hardware- oder Datenschäden führen kann.  
Warning is the most serious notice, indicating that you can be physically hurt.  
Un avertissement constitue le message le plus sérieux, indiquant que vous pouvez  
subir des blessures corporelles.  
Eine Warnung ist der ernsthafteste Hinweis auf Körperverletzungsgefahr.  
These are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or  
Crosstalk / Digital Communications Associates, Inc.  
Hewlett-Packard and HP / Hewlett-Packard Company  
Modulus 8/18 and Modulus 9/21 / Motorola, Inc.  
MS-DOS / Microsoft Corporation  
Multimedia Periphery Routing and MPRouter / Motorola, Inc.  
PathBuilder / 3Com Corporation  
Procomm / Datastorm Technologies, Inc.  
Proteon / Proteon Inc.  
Telenet / Telenet Communications Corporation  
Tymnet / British Telecommunication Public Limited Company  
IBM / International Business Machines Corporation  
XDLC / Motorola, Inc. (Pending)  
What’s In This Manual  
This manual contains detailed documentation covering all software features, options,  
and protocols that are supported in the IP and LAN ONS Software License package.  
This manual describes features and capabilities of the bridging option.  
This manual describes ARP, IP Routing, Gateway Protocols, configuration  
information, statistics, and worksheets. Refer to this manual for information on ARP  
and IP.  
Serial Line IP  
This manual describes how the packet framing protocol defines a method of  
encapsulating IP packets for point-to-point serial connections running TCP/IP.  
Includes configuration, statistics, and reports.  
Open Shortest Path This manual describes OSPF, an Interior Gateway Protocol, and includes operation,  
First (OSPF)  
routing information, and configuration.  
Ethernet Basics  
This manual is part of the basics series of manuals and contains information on:  
• Ethernet features  
• high-level application examples  
• software configuration examples  
• explanation of statistics and troubleshooting procedures as they pertain to the  
ways in which Ethernet is addressed by the ONS  
About This Manual (continued)  
Related Documentation  
It may become necessary to refer to other documents in order to obtain all of the  
technical information that you may require. This section identifies all of the related  
3Com PathBuilder S200 series switch documentation including:  
About This Manual (continued)  
PathBuilder S200 Series Switch Installation Manuals  
Installation manuals describe the installation and set up of specific PathBuilder S200  
series switch equipment. Installation Manuals provide information that may assist  
you in locating ports and modifying DTE/DCE settings.  
This table identifies the Installation Manuals available from 3Com:  
PathBuilder S24x, 26x and 27x Switch  
Installation Manual  
PathBuilder S21x Switch Installation Manual  
These manuals are usually shipped with the products that they apply to. However, if  
you require additional copies, or have misplaced the one shipped with your product,  
you can order one from your 3Com representative, quoting the product codes  
referenced above.  
About This Manual (continued)  
Software License Feature Documentation  
The PathBuilder S200 series switch ONS software is supported by a suite of protocol  
documentation to provide you with the information required to fully understand the  
ways in which you can use your ONS license.  
In addition to this IP and LAN Feature Protocols Manual, these additional  
documentation suites are available:  
• PathBuilder S200 Series Basic Protocols  
• Multimedia Feature Protocols  
PathBuilder S200  
Series Basic  
Protocols Manual  
This manual contains options and protocol documentation that you must be familiar  
with to successfully understand the PathBuilder S200 series switch ONS software.  
The content of this manual, as listed below, describes the underlying functionality of  
the PathBuilder S200 series switch ONS.  
The protocols covered in this manual include:  
• Frame Relay Interface/Access  
• SNMP  
• SLIP  
• Point to Point  
• X.25 Configuration Basics Guide  
• Configuration for APAD/ATPAD  
• Bandwidth Management Basics Manual  
Multimedia Feature This manual contains options and protocol documentation that you should become  
familiar with in order required to understand the functionality found in the  
PathBuilder S200 series switch ONS Multimedia software license.  
The protocols covered in this manual include:  
Voice over IP  
Voice Relay  
About This Manual (continued)  
Software Coldloading/Installation and Alarms and Reports Manuals  
These manuals offer direction on installing and coldloading software into  
PathBuilder S200 series switches, and explanations of the alarms and report  
messages that may be displayed on your terminal screen.  
Coldloading and  
Installation Manual  
This manual describes the different methods of installing software in nodes  
containing 3Com Network Access Products. It describes software installation by:  
• downloading software from a Macintosh or PC using Communication  
Software such as Procomm Plus  
• Ping software from a LAN  
Alarms and  
Reports Manual  
This manual lists the PathBuilder S200 series switch operating software alarms and  
reports in alphabetical order. Descriptions, and suggested actions, are also included  
where applicable.  

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