2Wire Tablet 78 13885 03 User Manual

A P P E N D I X  
Upgrading Your CSS Software  
Cisco Systems periodically releases new software versions for the CSS. To help  
you upgrade your CSS with a new software release, this appendix provides the  
following information:  
Before You Begin  
Upgrading Your CSS  
Updating Management Information Base Files (MIBs)  
When Cisco Systems makes syntax changes to existing CLI commands, the CSS  
updates your startup-config automatically with most command syntax changes.  
For example, the CSS automatically updates the web-mgmt state enabled  
command in the startup config to the new no restrict web-mgmt command. If the  
CSS does not update a command syntax change in a startup-config automatically,  
a startup error is displayed. Refer to the Release Note for the Cisco Series Content  
Services Switch for information on which command syntax changes display  
startup-config errors.  
Cisco Content Services Switch Adminisitration Guide  
Appendix A Upgrading Your CSS Software  
Upgrading Your CSS  
The options and variables are:  
ftp_record - Name for this FTP record file. Enter an unquoted text string  
with no spaces and a maximum of 32 characters.  
ip_or_host - IP address or host name of the FTP server you want to  
access. Enter an IP address in dotted-decimal notation (for example, or a mnemonic host name (for example,  
username - Valid login username on the FTP server. Enter a  
case-sensitive unquoted text string with no spaces and a maximum of  
32 characters.  
password - Password for the valid login username on the FTP server.  
Enter a case-sensitive, quoted text string with no spaces and a maximum  
of 16 characters.  
encrypted-password encrypted_pwd - Encrypted password for the valid  
login username on the FTP server. Enter a case-sensitive, unquoted text  
string with no spaces and a maximum of 16 characters.  
base_directory - Optional base directory when using this record.  
For example:  
(config)# ftp-record DEFAULT_FTP eng1  
encrypted-password serve  
Upgrading Your CSS  
You can upgrade your CSS software by either:  
Using the Upgrade Script  
Manually Upgrading the CSS  
Cisco Content Services Switch Adminisitration Guide  
Appendix A Upgrading Your CSS Software  
Upgrading Your CSS  
Using the Upgrade Script  
The upgrade script allows you to upgrade your CSS without having to enter any  
CLI commands. There are two ways to run the script:  
Automatically Running the Upgrade Script  
Interactively Using the Upgrade Script  
If the upgrade script fails while upgrading the CSS to the same version of software  
that is currently running, the CSS software directory will be incomplete. To  
reinstall the software, you must upgrade the CSS manually (that is, FTP the .adi  
file to the CSS and perform a manual unpack).  
Automatically Running the Upgrade Script  
You can run the upgrade script to perform the software upgrade without having to  
enter any information. The script automatically:  
Checks to see how many installed software versions are installed on the CSS.  
If there are two installed versions (the maximum), the script deletes an older  
The script will not offer to delete a version that you have configured  
as the primary or secondary boot file. On a flash disk-based system,  
you may need to quit and then deselect the primary or secondary boot  
file before continuing with the upgrade.  
Archives the running configuration to the startup configuration.  
Copies the new ADI to the CSS boot-image directory.  
Unpacks the new ADI.  
Sets the primary boot-file to the new ADI.  
Reboots the CSS.  
Cisco Content Services Switch Adminisitration Guide  
Appendix A Upgrading Your CSS Software  
Upgrading Your CSS  
To upgrade your CSS software using the upgrade script:  
1. Log into the CSS.  
2. Archive your custom scripts and user-profile files from the CSS scripts  
directory to the archive directory. The upgrade overwrites files in the script  
directory but does not overwrite files in the archive directory. After the  
upgrade, you will restore these files to the scripts directory.  
To archive each file to the archive directory, use the archive script command.  
The syntax for this command is:  
archive script script_filename {archive_filename}  
The variables are as follows:  
script_filename - The filename of the script to archive. To see a list of  
scripts, enter:  
# archive script ?  
archive_filename - (Optional) The name you want to assign to the archive  
file. Enter an unquoted text string with a maximum of 32 characters.  
For example, to archive the admin-profile file from the scripts directory to the  
archive directory, enter:  
# archive script admin-profile  
To copy any changes to your current user profile to the script directory and  
then archive the profile to the archive directory, use the alias save_profile  
command. For example, enter:  
# save_profile  
3. Start the upgrade script and include the name of the ADI and its extension in  
If you are using a GZIP-compressed ADI from the FTP server, include  
the gz file extension. For example:  
# upgrade “sg0710002.adi.gz”  
If you are using an uncompressed version of the ADI from the FTP  
server, include the adi file extension. For example:  
# upgrade “sg0710002.adi”  
Cisco Content Services Switch Adminisitration Guide  
Appendix A Upgrading Your CSS Software  
Upgrading Your CSS  
If you did not configure a default FTP record before starting the upgrade  
script, the script prompts you to configure one. You can either:  
Allow the CSS to automatically configure a record to the server  
containing the ADI.  
At the prompts, manually configure the FTP record by entering the FTP  
server information where you copied the upgrade ADI.  
When a default FTP record is configured, information similar to the following  
appears during the upgrade:  
Current Version:sg0710002 (Build 2)  
*** You must remove an installed version to upgrade. ***  
Attempting to delete sg0710001  
archive running-config startup-config  
Attempting ftp of sg0710002.adi:  
copy ftp DEFAULT_FTP ${new_version_adi} boot-image  
Copying (-) 57,241,012  
Completed successfully.  
unpack ${new_version_adi}  
Unpacking(/) 99%  
setting primary boot-file sg0710002  
The CSS automatically performs a flash upgrade, if necessary, and then boots  
the new image.  
4. After you upgrade the software in a CSS 11506 that contains a passive SCM,  
use the passive sync command in boot-config mode (or the passive sync  
macro command) immediately after upgrading your CSS software to  
synchronize the boot configurations on the redundant SCMs. Refer to  
Chapter 1, Logging In and Getting Started, the “Configuring a Boot  
Configuration Record for the Passive SCM” section.  
5. Use the restore command to restore the startup-config file, custom scripts,  
and user-profile files previously archived in the CSS archive directory. To see  
a list of files in the archive directory, enter:  
# restore ?  
Cisco Content Services Switch Adminisitration Guide  
Appendix A Upgrading Your CSS Software  
Upgrading Your CSS  
To restore the startup-config file, use the restore filename startup-config  
command. For example, to restore the startup-config file in the archive  
directory as the startup-config file on the CSS, enter:  
# restore startup-config startup-config  
To restore each custom script and user profile file to the script directory,  
use the restore filename script command. For example, to restore the  
admin-profile filename to the CSS script directory, enter:  
# restore admin-profile script  
Interactively Using the Upgrade Script  
The upgrade script allows you to enter information and make selections by  
responding to prompts as it runs. Before the script performs the upgrade, it  
prompts you to:  
Remove ADIs from the CSS if the script detects two installed versions on a  
hard disk-based system or on a flash disk-based system  
Enter the version of the new ADI  
Set the primary boot-file to the new ADI  
Reboot the CSS with the ADI you are installing after the upgrade is done  
Archive the running configuration to the startup configuration  
To use the interactive version of the script:  
1. Log into the CSS.  
2. Archive your custom scripts and user-profile files from the CSS scripts  
directory to the archive directory. The upgrade overwrites files in the script  
directory but does not overwrite files in the archive directory. After the  
upgrade, you will restore these files to the scripts directory.  
To archive each file to the archive directory, use the archive script command.  
The syntax for this command is:  
archive script script_filename {archive_filename}  
Cisco Content Services Switch Adminisitration Guide  
Appendix A Upgrading Your CSS Software  
Upgrading Your CSS  
The variables are as follows:  
script_filename - The filename of the script to archive. To see a list of  
scripts, enter:  
# archive script ?  
archive_filename - (Optional) The name you want to assign to the archive  
file. Enter an unquoted text string with a maximum of 32 characters.  
For example, to archive the admin-profile file from the scripts directory to the  
archive directory, enter:  
# archive script admin-profile  
To copy any changes to your current user profile to the script directory and  
then archive the profile to the archive directory, use the alias save_profile  
command. For example, enter:  
# save_profile  
3. Start the upgrade script. For example:  
# upgrade  
If you did not configure a default FTP record before starting the upgrade  
script, the script prompts you to configure one. You can either:  
Allow the CSS to automatically configure a record to the server  
containing the ADI.  
At the prompts, manually configure the FTP record by entering the FTP  
server information where you copied the upgrade ADI.  
When a default FTP record is configured, the script displays the current  
version of the ADI.  
Current Version: sg0710002 (Official)  
If the script detects the maximum number of ADIs (two), a message informs  
you that you need to remove an ADI. Then the script prompts you to remove  
an older ADI. For example:  
*** You must remove an installed version to upgrade.***  
remove sg0710001[y n q]?  
Cisco Content Services Switch Adminisitration Guide  
Appendix A Upgrading Your CSS Software  
Upgrading Your CSS  
The script will not offer to delete a version that you have configured  
as the primary or secondary boot file. On a flash disk-based system,  
you may need to quit and then deselect the primary or secondary boot  
file before continuing with the upgrade.  
4. If necessary, remove the ADI.  
Enter y to remove the displayed ADI version.  
Enter n for the script to display another version to remove.  
Enter q to exit from the script.  
remove sg0710001 [y n q]? y  
Attempting to delete sg0710001  
5. At the prompt, enter the file name and extension of the GZIP-compressed  
ADI version to install, and verify the information you entered. For example:  
Please Enter Version to Install:sg0710002.adi.gz  
If you are using an uncompressed version of the ADI from the FTP server,  
include the adi file extension (for example, sg0710002.adi).  
Upgrade to Version sg0710002? [y n q] y  
6. Determine whether to set the ADI as the primary boot-file.  
Enter y to set the ADI as the primary boot-file and change the CSS  
Enter n to keep the same primary boot-file configuration.  
Set primary boot-file to Version sg0710002? [y n q] y  
7. Determine whether to have the CSS reboot with the ADI you are installing.  
Enter y to reboot the CSS with this ADI after the upgrade is done.  
Enter n to not reboot the CSS with the ADI after the upgrade is done.  
Reboot with Version sg0710002? [y n q] n  
Cisco Content Services Switch Adminisitration Guide  
Appendix A Upgrading Your CSS Software  
Upgrading Your CSS  
8. Determine whether to have the CSS archive the contents of the  
running-config file to the startup-config file.  
Enter y to archive the contents of the running-config file to the  
startup-config file.  
Enter n to keep the same startup configuration.  
Archive running-config to startup-config? [y n q] y  
archive running-config startup-config  
The script copies the ADI from the FTP server, unpacks and installs it, and  
sets it as the primary boot-file.  
Attempting ftp of sg0710002.adi.gz:  
copy ftp DEFAULT_FTP ${new_version_adi} boot-image  
Copying (-) 57,241,012  
Completed successfully.  
(config-boot)# unpack ${new_version_adi}  
unpacking(/) 99%  
setting primary boot-file sg0710002  
9. If you decided to reboot the CSS with the installed ADI in Step 7, the CSS  
reboots automatically. If you made the ADI the primary boot-file and  
archived the contents of the running-config file to the startup-config file, the  
CSS automatically performs a flash upgrade, if necessary, and then boots the  
new image.  
To manually reboot the system, enter the following commands:  
(config)# boot  
(config-boot)# reboot  
10. After you upgrade the software in a CSS 11506 that contains a passive SCM,  
use the passive sync command in boot-config mode (or the passive sync  
macro command) immediately after upgrading your CSS software to  
synchronize the boot configurations on the redundant SCMs. Refer to  
Chapter 1, Logging In and Getting Started, the “Configuring a Boot  
Configuration Record for the Passive SCM” section.  
Cisco Content Services Switch Adminisitration Guide  
A-1 0  
Appendix A Upgrading Your CSS Software  
Upgrading Your CSS  
11. Use the restore command to restore the startup-config file, custom scripts,  
and user-profile files previously archived in the CSS archive directory. To see  
a list of files in the archive directory, enter:  
# restore ?  
To restore the startup-config file, use the restore filename startup-config  
command. For example, to restore the startup-config file in the archive  
directory as the startup-config file on the CSS, enter:  
# restore startup-config startup-config  
To restore each custom script and user profile file to the script directory,  
use the restore filename script command. For example, to restore the  
admin-profile filename to the CSS script directory, enter:  
# restore admin-profile script  
Manually Upgrading the CSS  
You can manually enter CLI commands to upgrade the CSS.  
Make sure that you configure a default FTP server, as described in the “Before  
You Begin” section earlier in this appendix.  
To manually upgrade the software version on your CSS:  
1. Log onto the CSS.  
2. If there are two installed versions (the maximum), remove an older version of  
the ADI from the CSS.  
Do not remove the ADI currently running on the CSS. Use the version command  
to see the currently running software version.  
Cisco Content Services Switch Adminisitration Guide  
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Appendix A Upgrading Your CSS Software  
Upgrading Your CSS  
To remove an ADI:  
a. List the ADIs on the CSS. For example:  
(config)# show installed-software  
b. Access boot mode:  
(config)# boot  
c. Use the remove command to remove the ADI. For example:  
(config-boot)# remove sg0710001  
3. Archive your running configuration to the startup configuration. For example:  
# config  
(config)# archive running-config startup-config  
You can also use the save_config alias to archive your startup-config file. To  
view all available aliases, use the show aliases command.  
If you created additional profiles on the CSS, archive them by using  
the archive script or save_profile command. After the upgrade is  
done, use the restore filename script command to restore the profile  
you archived.  
4. Archive your custom scripts and user-profile files from the CSS scripts  
directory to the archive directory. The upgrade overwrites files in the script  
directory but does not overwrite files in the archive directory. After the  
upgrade, you will restore these files to the scripts directory.  
To archive each file to the archive directory, use the archive script command.  
The syntax for this command is:  
archive script script_filename {archive_filename}  
Cisco Content Services Switch Adminisitration Guide  
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Appendix A Upgrading Your CSS Software  
Upgrading Your CSS  
The variables are as follows:  
script_filename - The filename of the script to archive. To see a list of  
scripts, enter:  
# archive script ?  
archive_filename - (Optional) The name you want to assign to the archive  
file. Enter an unquoted text string with a maximum of 32 characters.  
For example, to archive the admin-profile file from the scripts directory to the  
archive directory, enter:  
# archive script admin-profile  
To copy any changes to your current user profile to the script directory and  
then archive the profile to the archive directory, use the alias save_profile  
command. For example, enter:  
# save_profile  
5. Copy the new ADI to the CSS as the boot-image.  
(config-boot)# <Ctl-z>  
# copy ftp DEFAULT_FTP sg0710002.adi.gz boot-image  
DEFAULT_FTP is the FTP record file defined in “Configuring an FTP Server  
Record on the CSS” earlier in this appendix.  
When you copy a GZIP-compressed ADI onto the CSS, the CSS  
automatically uncompresses it.  
If you are copying an uncompressed version of the ADI from the FTP  
server, include the adi file extension (for example, sg0710002.adi).  
6. Unpack the ADI. For example:  
(config)# boot  
(config-boot)# unpack sg0710002.adi  
7. Set the new ADI as the primary boot-file and install it. For example:  
(config-boot)# primary boot-file sg0710002  
Cisco Content Services Switch Adminisitration Guide  
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Appendix A Upgrading Your CSS Software  
Updating Management Information Base Files (MIBs)  
8. Reboot the system. For example:  
(config)# boot  
(config-boot)# reboot  
The CSS automatically performs a flash upgrade, if necessary, and then boots  
the new image.  
9. After you upgrade the software in a CSS 11506 that contains a passive SCM,  
use the passive sync command in boot-config mode (or the passive sync  
macro command) immediately after upgrading your CSS software to  
synchronize the boot configurations on the redundant SCMs. Refer to  
Chapter 1, Logging In and Getting Started, the “Configuring a Boot  
Configuration Record for the Passive SCM” section.  
10. Use the restore command to restore the startup-config file, custom scripts,  
and user-profile files previously archived in the CSS archive directory. To see  
a list of files in the archive directory, enter:  
# restore ?  
To restore the startup-config file, use the restore filename startup-config  
command. For example, to restore the startup-config file in the archive  
directory as the startup-config file on the CSS, enter:  
# restore startup-config startup-config  
To restore each custom script and user profile file to the script directory,  
use the restore filename script command. For example, to restore the  
admin-profile filename to the CSS script directory, enter:  
# restore admin-profile script  
Updating Management Information Base Files  
Cisco Systems recommends that you update the CSS MIBs after you upgrade the  
CSS software. CSS MIBs are included in the CSS GZIP file. During the software  
upgrade, the MIBs are loaded into the CSS /mibs directory.  
Cisco Content Services Switch Adminisitration Guide  
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Appendix A Upgrading Your CSS Software  
Updating Management Information Base Files (MIBs)  
To update the CSS MIBs on your management station after you upgrade the CSS:  
1. FTP the MIBs from the CSS MIBs (/v1 or /v2) directory to your management  
2. Load the MIBs into the management application.  
Cisco Content Services Switch Adminisitration Guide  
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Appendix A Upgrading Your CSS Software  
Updating Management Information Base Files (MIBs)  
Cisco Content Services Switch Adminisitration Guide  
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